The pleasure of taking a photograph is almost indescribable. The closest I can come to how it feels is that moment in Billy Elliot, at his exam for the Royal Ballet, as he leaves knowing that he has not been … Continue reading

The pleasure of taking a photograph is almost indescribable. The closest I can come to how it feels is that moment in Billy Elliot, at his exam for the Royal Ballet, as he leaves knowing that he has not been … Continue reading
St Marie de la Mer – Every year the Carmargue is host to a series of festivals celebrating various aspects of the region’s complex history. The celebration of the miracles of Saint Marie de la Mer are rather unique: gypsies from all … Continue reading
Gujarat is a curious place, as I wrote in another text here. It is like the land that Time Forgot. No physical dinosaurs, but a place that seems to have ignored progress unless it is forced upon it, like the … Continue reading
I lived for several months in Milan in the early 80’s, cutting my teeth as a body painter with Italian Vogue. It was an intense time. My memories are extremely vivid yet on revisiting the city last year, I found … Continue reading
On one of the extended trips I took to India I worked with a man called Jack Prager in Calcutta, and visited a women’s sterilisation clinic in Bangalore. In all the time I have spent in India, and I guess … Continue reading